(415) 332-4262

Asbestos Containing Cooling Towers - Marley Cooling Technologies

Often individuals who have contracted an asbestos specific disease such as mesothelioma have a difficult time deducing where, how and when their exposure occurred. Asbestos is in a wide variety of products. Some are more obvious than others.

While not a given, most are familiar with the presence of asbestos in insulation products present in commercial, military, and industrial settings through the early 1970's or certain products found in the home such as dry wall, drywall accessory products such as topping and joint compounds and acoustical (“popcorn”) ceilings. There are, however, many more instances where the presence of asbestos is not as readily known or knowable.

For instance, many cooling systems contain asbestos containing components which workers have been exposed to over the years. As an example, Marley Cooling Technologies, Inc., which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of SPX Corporation, manufactured cooling towers that contained the following asbestos containing components:

  • Asbestos Honeycomb Eliminators are a dark gray neoprene plastic coating encapsulating the asbestos paper. They are panels installed in a cooling tower to assist in reducing excessive draft (evaporating water) from escaping from the cooling tower while in operation. Composition: Chrysotile asbestos fiber, Neoprene Binder, Moisture, Resin Solids.
  • M-67 Fill are a dark gray neoprene plastic coating encapsulating the asbestos and formed into sheets. These sheets are cross-corrugated and are glued together to form a fill pack.

  • M-106 Fill a light gray resin coating encapsulating the asbestos and formed into sheets. These sheets are installed in a chevron pattern to from the required fill patterns in the cooling tower.


*Fill is the cooling medium installed in cooling towers to assist in breaking the hot water down into smaller droplets, thus providing a smaller cooling surface.


  • Asbestos Cement Board --a light gray sheet, approximately 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch in depth, used for cooling tower casing, louvers, end walls, and interior cell walls. Suppliers of raw asbestos include: GAF Corporation, National Gypsum, IBP, Atlas-Turner, Toschi, Johns Manville, Rubberoid.

Let the expert asbestos attorneys of Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason help you discover where, when, and how your exposure to asbestos occurred. We have the experience, knowledge and ability to discover and bring to light all exposures. This is a task we take very seriously as all exposure to asbestos plays a role in the onset of asbestos related diseases such as mesothelioma. It is our job to investigate, discover and take all action necessary to ensure you receive just compensation for the injuries you have suffered.

If you or someone you know has been exposed to asbestos as a result of handling or being involved with Asbestos Containing Cooling Towers, and if you think such exposure may have caused you or your loved one to become ill with mesothelioma or any other form of asbestos related disease, please contact the lawyers at Clapper, Patti Schweizer & Mason for more information.