Feb 4, 2010 - Asbestos Removal Necessary before Renovations
There have been several recent news articles regarding multi-million dollar renovation projects that involve remodeling or replacing major building structures that were constructed before the 1980s and contain asbestos contaminated materials.
One such project is the renovation of former Harrison County Hospital in Corydon, Kentucky. The $13 million plus project will renovate the old hospital into a new county government complex that will house most administrative offices except for the Circuit Court and other court related offices.
Before renovations can begin, asbestos removal must be performed by certified, licensed abatement contractors. It was originally estimated to cost about $300,000 to remove the asbestos materials, then after further inspections, that number jumped to over $1 million. In the end, the bid was awarded to Midwest Service Group based nearby in Schererville, Indiana, for just under $450,000.
Another project requiring asbestos removal is the Daytona Pier in Florida, where asbestos was discovered buried deep in the layers of paint, increasing the cost of the project as well as extending repair time into the summer.
Buildings, piers and ships built before the 1980’s were constructed with many asbestos containing products. Some of the most common materials to contain asbestos are:
Cement pipes, wallboard and siding
Floor tiling
All types of insulation from duct, boilers, pipes, etc.
Heating and electrical ducts
Ceiling tiles
Roofing felt and shingles
Caulking and adhesives
Wall coverings
Fire protective products
All such products must be removed according to federal and state guidelines to ensure that asbestos remains fully contained and no chance of exposure occurs to workers or the public.
If asbestos becomes airborne, it can easily be inhaled or ingested, causing serious diseases such as mesothelioma decades later. Mesothelioma is a rare but aggressive form of cancer caused primarily by exposure to asbestos, and affects thousands of people in the United States each year. There is no safe level of exposure and complete avoidance of any contact is the best protection.
Asbestos removal therefore is imperative and legally required before renovations can begin on buildings known to contain materials contaminated with the toxic substance. For more information on federal guidelines, visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.
If you have been exposed to asbestos occupationally or otherwise, and are suffering from mesothelioma, please contact an experienced mesothelioma attorney who only specializes in handling asbestos lawsuits. Mesothelioma lawyers will be able to get you the help and support you need much more quickly and efficiently.