Mesothelioma law is a specialized area of expertise. To successfully win a mesothelioma lawsuit, it requires that you employ attorneys who have the specific experience. Clients have confidence in our law firm and trial lawyers due to a long track record in trial success, asbestos product identification, asbestos exposure investigation and the science and medicine of mesothelioma.
In this section of the site, our experienced mesothelioma attorneys provide answers to some of the frequently asked questions about asbestos lawsuits, filing mesothelioma lawsuits in California, and other asbestos related legal issues.
Read more about the mesothelioma legal process.
Our goal at Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason is to obtain just compensation as quickly as the law allows. We limit the number of asbestos related cases we accept and give each client the time and attention necessary to build the strongest possible case. From the moment you retain us as your lawyers we work hard to advance your case as rapidly as possible, and develop the evidence needed to get successful verdicts against the asbestos companies we sue.
Read more about mesothelioma lawsuits.
Many companies who have been held accountable for asbestos exposure have set up bankruptcy trusts from which claims can be paid out. For your your convenience, we provide information on several of these trusts.
Read more about mesothelioma bankruptcy trusts.