Oct 20, 2008 - NASA Glenn Research Center in Orlando Cleared of Cancer Risk
The Lewis Engineers and Scientists Association is particularly concerned
about exposure to asbestos-bearing substances that are released through a
hole in the ceiling, a spokesman said. Asbestos attorneys caution people who
work in facilities built between the 1940's and 1980's due to the nearly
universal use of asbestos in construction in those decades.
Asbestos, durable, fire-resistant and deadly, works as an insulator but its
fibers are difficult to detect in the environment because it is tasteless,
odorless and invisible. It can lead to various kinds of mesothelioma cancer,
including peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma and pericardial
mesothelioma. It can take decades to develop these diseases and mesothelioma
treatment is very expensive.
The OH&S institute said the cancers at Glenn were not consistent with
asbestos exposure. The NASA building is to be demolished next year to make
way for a new complex.