According to mesothelioma attorneys, ZAI claims are property-related that could include the cost of removal or abatement, reduced property values, economic loss or other property-related claims. ZAI is a loose-fill vermiculite home attic insulation that may contain naturally occurring asbestos, mesothelioma attorneys say, and may have a glittery, granular appearance shaped like small nuggets. Over the years the granules may darken to black or gray. Other brand names include Attic Fill, House Fill, Home Insulation, Zonolite Insulating Fill, Econofil, Quiselle Insulating Fill, Sears Micro Fill, Ward's Mineral Fill, Wickes Attic Insulation, Attic Plus, Mica Pellets Attic Insulation, Unifil and Cashway Attic Insulation. According to mesothelioma lawyers, the October 31 bar date does not apply to asbestos property damage claims, medical monitoring claims, non-asbestos claims, settled pre-petition asbestos personal injury claims or non-settle asbestos personal injury claims.