Roofing felt is used on roofs to provide protection from atmospheric conditions. Asbestos is sometimes added to the product because of its water and flame-resistance properties. The roofing felt is applied then a layer of asphalt. This process is repeated until the desired thickness is reached. To deflect heat and moisture, top coats of sealants or gravel are used. Some of these sealants contain asbestos as well.
Though it can be found on homes, roofing felt is typically installed on larger buildings with flat roofs, such as warehouses, hospitals, or schools.
Exposure to the asbestos in the roofing felt can occur in the process of cutting lengths during installation or repair. Fibers may also be released if the product is damaged during storage or transport. Workers may also bring fibers home with them on their clothes, putting their family in danger as well.
Once the fibers are released into the air, there is a high risk of developing an asbestos-related disease after inhalation. Mesothelioma, a cancer caused only by asbestos exposure, is a dangerous and lethal disease. Symptoms may not develop until 30 to 40 years after exposure has taken place. However, signs to be aware of once symptoms become noticeable:
If you or someone you know has been exposed to asbestos as a result of handling or being involved with Roofing Felt, and if you think such exposure may have caused you or your loved one to become ill with mesothelioma or any other form of asbestos related disease, please contact the lawyers at Clapper, Patti Schweizer & Mason for more information.