From PR Web, 3 Things You Must Know About Choosing a Mesothelioma Attorney
You or a loved one has just been diagnosed with mesothelioma. You can barely pronounce the word; much less know exactly how it will now impact you and your family’s life. And, unfortunately, the more you learn, the more overwhelming and discouraging the road can become.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma has an extremely long latency period, with ten years being the least and fifty or more being the longest. This means that if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, sometime prior in your life (ten to fifty years earlier,) you came into contact with airborne asbestos fibers.
Most oncologists, upon diagnosis, will tell you that your cancer is due to prior exposure to asbestos. They will also likely tell you that you should seek the help of an asbestos attorney who can help you to get money from the manufacturers and distributors of the asbestos products responsible for your exposure. Doing so will help pay for treatments and all the other costs involved with this illness. The idea of having to find a good law firm at this time can be daunting. While you are in the middle of overwhelming feelings of first finding out you have an incurable cancer, you are given the task to find a lawyer that specializes in mesothelioma lawsuits.
After more than thirty years of representing clients diagnosed with an asbestos related illness, Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason have learned these top 3 things are most important to keep in mind when trying to decide who should represent you:
1. Seek an Experienced Firm that Specializes in Mesothelioma Lawsuits
Hiring a law firm that exclusively handles mesothelioma lawsuits and asbestos bankruptcy trust claims is essential to quick, easy, and successful settlement. The intricacies of asbestos law are immense, and can be very complicated. Without a law firm that specializes in asbestos cases and has a proven track record of successfully litigating mesothelioma lawsuits, you are facing a tremendous uphill battle in the legal process. A firm that exclusively handles asbestos lawsuits will not only have a seasoned team to work on your case that is up to date on asbestos law and bankruptcy claims, they will also already have all the investigative work thoroughly researched in every way that Is needed to get successful settlement in your case.
2. Hire a Firm That Comes to You
When in the midst of dealing with an advanced cancer, the last thing that you need to do or are even able to do is to travel far, show up for depositions and in court, or make multiple visits to your attorney’s office. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer will know this. They will make the process as easy and convenient for you as possible- traveling to your home to talk with you, videotaping depositions in the comfort of your home, and doing the majority of the work with little disruption to your life so you can focus on your medical needs and health.
3. Personal Service
With many larger firms, clients do not get to speak directly to the attorney who is representing them but instead communicate with paralegals and other staff. We have found it to be of utmost importance for our clients to have accessibility to our attorneys by phone and/or email and have regular, immediate communications throughout the process. We pride ourselves on being one of the few firms that can offer such support. We have long term attorneys and staff who will always offer professional and compassionate support, having firsthand witnessed what a difficult and stressful time this can be.
Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason hope that by providing these guidelines we have helped to make the process of choosing an asbestos lawyer easier. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact us for more free legal advice and no-charge case consultation.
About CPSM
Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason has a track record of representing clients diagnosed with mesothelioma for over 30 years that speaks for itself – our clients have received millions of dollars in settlements which allowed them to purchase homes, set aside funds for their grand children’s education, and provided financial security for the future. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and want the best legal representation in the nation, contact our office today.
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