From Seattle Post, Mesothelioma Attorneys Add Medical Assistance Advice for Veterans Diagnosed with Asbestos Cancer
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 2500-3000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with mesothelioma this year, and about a third of those will be veterans of the US Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Army. Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason (CPSM) has been exclusively helping victims of mesothelioma for over 30 years, both with legal representation and by offering medical and financial information to assist both veterans and their family members. CPSM recently updated information on their website for veterans needing medical assistance as well as sources of Veteran hospitals, medical centers and assisted living facilities.
Jack Clapper, founder of the firm, says, “When a client diagnosed with mesothelioma or their family member first contacts us, they have two concerns: One, what is the best treatment for mesothelioma; and two, how do I get financial assistance to pay for that treatment and protect my family’s well-being? We have a long history of helping asbestos victims with both.”
To help veterans better understand what types of medical assistance they are entitled to as well as which are the best mesothelioma treatment centers and doctors in the country, CPSM constantly updates these sections on their website. Beyond getting medical assistance at VA hospitals, veterans have the right to seek treatment from outside facilities as well as participate in clinical trials. The National Cancer Institute has a complete list of clinical trials that are investigating new and improved methods of treating mesothelioma and asbestos related diseases.
Because it is usually up to the patient or their family members to find the best mesothelioma care specialists and facilities, CPSM lists not only information about VA medical facilities, but also top doctors and treatment centers throughout the United States. Mesothelioma is often diagnosed in late stages so having access to this information regarding medical support is crucial. Locating an oncologist who specializes in mesothelioma and occupational diseases will ensure the best, most effective treatment.
For more information on getting medical assistance, either through the Veterans Administration, Veterans Benefit Network, or from an outside hospital or treatment center, visit our website to locate resources near you. For more assistance, or to find out what kind of financial assistance you are entitled to help cover treatment costs, contact one of our asbestos attorneys directly at 1-800-440-4262.