A mesothelioma diagnosis can be overwhelming and frightening. Facing any diagnosis of cancer is never an easy task, and a particularly difficult one for patients and loved ones who are given a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma because there is no known cure.
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral that was once widely manufactured and distributed throughout the world and used in thousands of industrial and construction products. Due to the widespread use of asbestos containing products, millions have been occupationally as well as environmentally exposed to the toxic substance. Asbestos is now known to cause serious illnesses, including the fatal disease of mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma can develop after even a single exposure to asbestos, where fibers are airborne and become lodged in the lining of the heart, chest or abdomen. A long latency period of ten to forty years between first exposure and development of mesothelioma symptoms make the disease very difficult to diagnose in early stages. Later diagnosis makes it more difficult to find effective treatments that will extend life expectancy and improve quality of life, although current research and attention to mesothelioma shows promising results for the future.
Many different feelings and reactions are common to patients who first receive a diagnosis of mesothelioma, such as overwhelm, anger, shock, denial, hopelessness, and grief. Learning as much as you can about mesothelioma, treatments available, and options for legal compensation can help to empower patients and loved ones. Being able to ask informed questions and state treatment preferences, as well as pursue getting financial compensation to cover costs, can help everyone involved.
It often is recommended to find sources of support from relatives, friends, mesothelioma specialists, cancer support groups etc. Some typical first questions to ask your doctor are:
* What is the stage I have been diagnosed with?
* Which type of mesothelioma do I have?
* What medical and treatment options do I have? Are there any alternative treatments or clinical trials that I am eligible to participate in?
* Are there any risks to new treatments or clinical trials being offered?
* What, if any, palliative and end of life care support systems are offered?
Experienced mesothelioma lawyers will want to have a full, complete occupational history so as to best identify the responsible party that lead to your exposure. A mesothelioma attorney who specializes only in handling asbestos lawsuits will have many resources to help you and will be best at getting the financial compensation you and your family deserve.
Clarifying and then communicating your medical treatment preferences to loved ones and to your medical team can greatly reduce pain and fear and help to create a better quality of life and possibly longer survival times. Research for a cure and better treatments is underway, and staying informed and open can make a huge difference in the final months or years of life.